Monday, October 08, 2012

Inspiration, Inspiration : The best week ever

It's monday, it's a new week and you decide how it will turn out. Last week was filled with last minute school work, planning, and just a whole load of stress and unresolved things that needs to be resolved soon. In other words it wasn't really the best week I've had lately, but this week will be! I am going ot London tonight and that will definitely help making this an amazing week and an amazing autumn break! However I know not everyone has the chance to travel and has to stay home, therefore I want to give you some of my tips to make your week good too :)

   Start your days early! I'm not talking 7am early, but don't sleep in to 2pm because it takes away so much of the day and at least for me - it makes me more sleepy and groggy through the day, and who wants that?

 ♥ Get in touch with some friends, ask them if they want to do something, whether it may be hiking in the mountains, taking a spontaneous bath in the freezing water at the beach, having a girls night in (or out) with movies, face masks and yummy food, or taking a road trip (if you have your licence ;) ) with fun, loud music playing. There are countless things to do, you just have to put in the effort!

 ♥ If no one is home (or at least that is how it feels) then treat yourself to a "you" day. If you're a girl then take the time to make yourself feel really good. If that is by taking a nice, long bath, putting on a facemask, eating chocolate, getting dressed in nice clothes, putting on makeup or just doing nothing - whatever it may be just make sure your treating yourself with something that makes you feel good :) Oh and if you're a boy - the same thing counts but I'm afraid I dont have a ton of knowledge on that soo yup :)

 ♥ Do something nice for others! You can buy a hot dog for the man you see wvwryday laying on the corner of the bus station, or you can help your old neighbour with her groceries shopping :) or something else of course  - Giving to others really is giving for your self too!

Now those were some of my suggestions to things that you might not have thought of doing or maybe you have? If you have anny additions then please leave them in the comments and we can all help each other in making this the best week ever! :)

I will talk to you all once I get back from London!

Have a great week everyone, try to make it incredible :)

- Em

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