Thursday, January 02, 2014

2013, 2014 & Evertything Else

My 2013 Most of the pictures are from my Instagram

Apparently I'm getting old. At least that's what people tell me when I say how quickly this year's gone by. It's true though, it is as if it's flown by at the speed of light. A new year always mean that we all get a bit of a clean slate, and that we can make the coming year an even better one. 

2013 was such a good year, but it was filled to the brim with new, crazy, exciting, all-consuming experiences which made me decide to put all my focus into making the best out of all of it. I lived in the now and tried not to think of everything else for a little bit. It was so nice to be a bit carefree but now it's time to get back in business on all levels, including my blog. I do apologise for the extreme lack of posting on my front, I've had a much needed break but now I'm ready to share all things beauty (and hopefully fashion) with you.

So far on my 2014 agenda is: an internship, some travelling, uni (and glorious exams), skiing, concerts and a few other work opportunities that are yet to be confirmed. In other words it looks like it can be quite the year. As for my resolution this year is to be the best version of me that I can be - in every way, work hard and do the most with the opportunities that I have and get, and just have a good time. I will also be more active in the blogging community again, not only on my blog but be better at interacting and communicating with other fellow bloggers. I would love to hear what you have set as resolutions for the coming year!

I hope this wasn't too rambly and boring, I just wanted to have a little catch up and say a big HAPPY NEW YEAR to you all :) New post will be up very soon so stay tuned for that.

Love, Emilie

1 comment:

Becky Fearn said...

Happy new year babe, I look forward to some new posts :)

B xx